All you can dance


  • TImba & Musicality Development Program

    All the interpretative musical dance catalog at your disposal.

  • Body Movement Development Program

    Build your moves and apply them to your dance.

  • Men Style Development Program.​

    Boost your confidence, improve your body image and bring your leading technique to next level.

  • Private Coaching

    Four private coaching sessions with instructor Osmani Segura per year, to be scheduled at the end of each quarter.

Don’t miss out on new classes! They’re always uploaded every 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month.

If you are interested in becoming a lifetime member of our platform, you have the opportunity to make an offer through our contact form. As a lifetime member, you will have access to all of our classes and our entire catalog of classes for life. This is a great opportunity to invest in your dance education and have access to a wealth of knowledge and resources.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become a lifetime member of TimbaPlus. Make a good offer and see if it is accepted. We look forward to welcoming you to the community.

Lifetime Membership Offer
Enter your offer amount in USD. Your offer will be reviewed, but payment will not be required at this time. (Please keep in mind that only fair and reasonable offers will be accepted.) If your offer is accepted, you will receive a payment link via email within 24 hours for the agreed amount. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive instant lifetime access to our entire catalog."